At Surprise Oral & Implant Surgery, we can provide you with the treatments you need to restore your face, your mouth, and your quality of life.
What Causes Facial Trauma?
Facial trauma can occur in some different situations, including such things as:
• | Automobile accidents. Car accidents are the leading cause of facial injuries. |
• | Falls. Facial injuries can occur as a result of falling from a ladder, falling down stairs, slipping on ice and more. |
• | Sports injuries. Facial injuries in sports include collisions with other players, being hit by a ball, or falling on the field, among others. |
• | Fights. Confrontations that turn physical can lead to injuries. |
What Types of Facial Trauma Are There?
There are a few different types of facial trauma. They may occur on their own, or they may occur together.
• | Soft tissue injuries. Soft tissue injuries are those that affect the face and tissues in your mouth. These include injuries such as lacerations and burns. |
• | Bone injuries. These are injuries that affect the bones in your face, including your jaw, cheekbones, nose, eye sockets, and forehead. |
• | Tooth injuries. Tooth injuries are common in the case of facial trauma. Teeth can be knocked deeper into the jaw, partially dislodged, or knocked out altogether. |
Treating Soft Tissue Injuries
Your face and mouth consist of a significant amount of soft tissue. Along with being delicate, this tissue contains blood vessels and nerves. Certain areas of your soft tissues also house salivary glands and ducts. Facial trauma that affects your soft tissues can not only affect your appearance; they can also harm the functions of these systems.
Treating Bone Injuries
Fractures can happen to facial bones just like they can happen to any other bone in your body. Unfortunately, unlike other bones, facial bones cannot be set with a cast. There are a couple of ways that we can set bones in your face, allowing them to heal.
The first way in which facial bones are set, particularly in the jaw, is with wire. The jaw is wired shut, prohibiting movement. After you have healed, the wire is removed and movement restored. The second way facial bones are set is by using small plates and screws. With this treatment, you still have full use of your jaw. In many cases, the plates and screws are left permanently in place.
Treating Injuries to Your Teeth
Tooth injuries often accompany other facial injuries and can include several different issues. Teeth may be chipped, cracked, or even shattered. Any damaged teeth need to be treated right away. If the tooth is beyond repair, it will need to be extracted, and then replaced. Your tooth may get knocked deeper into the jaw, or be partially knocked out. In either of these cases, it is important that you do not try to reset the tooth. We can do this for you and use a splint to hold it in its proper position while the ligaments and bone heal around it.
Teeth may also be completely knocked out. If this happens, it is possible to replant them. You will need to find the tooth and store it in a jar of milk or salt water until your appointment. Do not touch the root. If we cannot replant the tooth, we can discuss replacement options, including dental implants, with you.
Oral Surgery in Surprise AZ
If you have experienced any facial trauma, even if it does not seem serious, you should seek treatment right away. For more information, and to schedule your consultation, call Surprise Oral & Implant Surgery today at (623) 263-5042.