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Home Procedures Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Removal
Surprise AZ

Here at Surprise Oral & Implant Surgery, you will find the best experts to help you with the removal of wisdom teeth.

This can be a painful experience unless you go to a surgeon who specializes in such procedures and who knows how to intervene and a doctor who has specialized tools for such an intervention.

Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Necessary?

There is no simple answer to this question; it depends from person to person. Alexander Nguyen DDS can tell you if they are potentially problematic, in which case the extraction should be done as soon as possible.

Wisdom teeth are usually the last ones to appear. If they are healthy and functional, they can be useful. However, there are several reasons that will make their extraction mandatory.

Wisdom Tooth Complications

For example, wisdom tooth extraction is recommended when they grow in abnormal positions, to prevent further problems like the other teeth moving, caries, pain, etc.

Also, sometimes by growing, they can cause damage or a dentoalveolar incongruence by putting pressure on other teeth. Therefore, extraction is very important to keep and protect the other teeth healthy.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The eruption of wisdom teeth is very often accompanied by local pain and inflammation if they don’t have enough space to erupt, so extraction is again recommended.

They can also be the cause of repeated infections, which can be very hard to treat. In this case, extraction is once again recommended to prevent future complications.

Sometimes, even if they are healthy, extraction might be necessary due to orthodontic reasons.

How Is Wisdom Tooth Extraction Done?

The intervention is a very easy and common one. It is done with local anesthesia, or in some cases with general anesthesia.

Before the extraction, panoramic radiographs will be done for a better and complete overview of the situation. Remember that it is good to avoid smoking at least 48 hours before surgery! Once the tooth is removed, stitches may be needed.

Some stitches will dissolve over time, while others have to be removed a few days after the procedure.

After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After surgery, you can expect discomfort and pain that may last for a few days so you will be prescribed analgesics. Antibiotics may also be recommended to prevent infections. Also, the area may swell, but the swelling will eventually withdraw within three to four days of treatment.

During the first 24 hours after surgery, you can put ice on your cheeks to reduce swelling. It is important to rest after extraction and not do any physical exercises to avoid opening of the sutures and bleeding.

Smoking is not recommended for at least 24 hours after the intervention. Also, you should avoid touching the area of the intervention with your mouth and tongue. At the same time, you should consume liquids and soft foods in the days following the surgery.

Wisdom Tooth Removal in Surprise AZ

Like any other dental procedure, there are specific complications. There is a slight possibility of infection, increased sensitivity, or bleeding. If done correctly by a specialized person, the risk of complications is very low. It is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by the dentist in our office for optimal oral health.

For more information about getting your wisdom teeth pulled in Surprise Arizona, contact our experienced professionals here at Surprise Oral & Implant Surgery at (623) 263-5042 today!

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15276 W Brookside Ln Ste 141
Surprise, AZ 85374


(623) 263-5042


Mon: 8:00am–4:00pm
Tue/Wed/Thu: 7:00am–4:00pm
Fri: 7:00am–2:00pm
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Wisdom Teeth Removal | Surprise Oral & Implant Surgery, AZ
Here at Surprise Oral & Implant Surgery, AZ you will find the best experts to help you with the removal of your wisdom teeth. Call for more information!
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